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Welcome to Énigmapédia - yet another online puzzle game based on HTML!
Developed by zitman
This puzzle involves various topics including cryptography, languages, sciences, pop cultures, etc.
Currently there are 50 main levels + 3 secret levels.
If you are not familiar with this game genre, I would highly recommend complete this tutorial first.
Otherwise, let's start this wonderful adventure!
- ⬥ Join the Discord guild to have the maximum experience!
- ⬥ Here is a list of tools you might find useful during this journey.
- ⬥ I'd like to thank these beautiful people.
- ⬥ Congratulate these genius brains on beating the Épilogue of Énigmapédia - I'm so proud of you!
While Énigmapédia officially concluded with the main 50 levels, I still have some amazing puzzle ideas from time to time.
In order to share them with you, I will create new levels and post them here.
Stay tuned!